Friday 11 May 2007


QUDS DAY AND SOLIDARITY TO PALESTIANSThe late Imam Khomeini in July 1979 issued a statementaddressing Muslims and freedom lovers all around theworld that every last Friday of the Holy month ofRamadan as the International Day of Quds.What is Quds day?Quds refers to what is today calledPalestine to the Muslims and State of Isreal to theJews. On the land stands Masjid Aqsa orBaitul-Mukakkadas and which is firstqibla(direction)to the Muslims ,and also presently thethird most Holy Mosque to the Muslims after the HolyKa'aba and the Mosque of the Holy Prophest(s.a.w)atthe Holy city of Medina .Quds day is a day for unityamong the Muslims of the world , a day set aside forMuslims to campaign against Isreal's hatred of theMuslims and to determine the destiny of the Palestiansby exposing the future attacks of Isreal occupyingregime not only against Palestine but on Muslims allover the world.The years after the second world war will beremembered not only to the Palestians and Muslims ,butalso to all freedom lovers all over the world as theera of forcefully occupying Palestine by Isreal.It isalready known fact how the state of Isreal had overthe years created a climate of intimidation ,threat and daily killings of Palestians including childrenand women ,torture and forceful exile of thousands ofPalestians,,bulldozing of Palestians homes andfarmland s,Reducing the Palestians to slaves withoutany iota of dignity.These atrocities committed byIsreal occupied state continues to present day whilethe so-called civilised and super powers had beensupporting the actions of Isreal either directly orindirectly ,especially the United States of America.Quds day is the day that lovers of freedom ,justice,peace,equality and human rights all over the worldshows their solidarity to the oppressed Palestine andalso at the same time advocate the message ofPalestians sufferings and plight to those that areignorant or misinformed about the hardship they areexperincing at the hand of Isreal .It is a day thatfor more than two decades the conscious Muslims andNon-Muslims had been observing in their own littleways to condemn and drum support for the oppressedPalestine .Quds day is unique in the sense that solidarity to thePalestians is reaffirmed by all Muslims and justicelovers all over the world.It is a day to revived hopesin the heart of Muslims world and thePalestians.Remember Quds day in your own little way asa day of hope and total solidarity to the oppressedPalestians ,and significance of Masjid Aqsa orBaitul-Mukaddas to the Muslims all over the world.

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